Peter Pham
Managing Director & Principal Fund Manager
Phoenix Capital Group

Peter Pham is an author, international fund manager, and a registered financial director by the Cayman Monetary Authority (CIMA). In 2013 he published a book, The Big Trade: Simple Strategies for Maximum Market Returns. He currently manages the portfolio of a global hedge fund and runs an asset management company, Phoenix Capital. Recently, he partnered with S&P Dow Jones to construct the VN30 Equal Weight Index.
In March 2014 he founded Phoenix Capital, a Cayman Islands exempted asset management company that offers investment and financial advisory services. He currently manages the portfolio of Global Growth and Income Fund, an open-end fund designed to outperform the MSCI-Barra World Free index with a mix of high-growth and mature high-income vehicles.
In 2013, John Wiley & Sons published his first book, The Big Trade: Simple Strategies for Maximum Market Returns. The thesis of the book states that one must look at markets from an agnostic and pragmatic standpoint, and assess markets based on available information and statistics. These ideas have also been featured on The Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, CNN Money. Bloomberg, Financial Times, Reuters, Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal, Active Trader, Minyanville, Euromoney, and Trading Markets.
One Road Podcast, was launched on iTunes where it has been featured globally in "New and Noteworthy" section. The series offers financial market insights through casual, thought provoking discussions, and has featured numerous financial thought leaders as guests including Jim Rogers, James Altucher, Jack Schwager, Rick Rule, Meb Faber, Vitaliy Katsenelson, Porter Stansberry, Frank Curzio, and Richard Maybury.
Overall, he has more than 15 years of experience in capital markets and fund management; recognized as an expert consultant in global equities.